Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Sounds of Running Water

I started hearing sounds of rushing water about 2 weeks ago and immediately had a bad feeling about it.  Then yesterday Lowell showed me where the yard was flooded with water and I knew I had a serious problem with plumbing.

Today the plumbers pointed out to me that the hot water line is leaking somewhere.  They turned off the hot water and told me not to use it until everything dried out underneath my pier and beam house.  The good news is that I am not totally without water.  They are coming back Friday to see if it is dry enough to work to find the leak.

If you want to know how far along the spiritual path you are, then pay attention to your reaction to something that is not going well.  I was definitely not happy with the prospect of a large bill to fix the problem plus the uncertainty of going without water.  Today I reminded myself that there will never be a time when everything in our lives is perfect.  If we wait for happiness, it will never arrive.  Happiness is an internal state that is not dependent on people or events. 

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