Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Family Memorabilia

When I was about 12 years ago I wrote to 3 of my Aunts and asked them to write an autobiography of their life.  I also asked my parents to do the same thing.  This alerted all of my relatives to the fact that I am interested in family history and I have been the recipient of family photos, genealogy, and mementos.

All of this has piled up and I am very reluctant to let things go as it is family history.  As I am emptying out my office area in preparation for making a scrapbooking room I have come across items that make me wonder what to do about keeping or letting go.

One item brought this up for me.  I have my Aunt's high school yearbook of 1931.  It is interesting to look at because of the way they dressed, the types of courses offered, comments made in the yearbook and the beautiful handwriting that we don't see any more.  But this yearbook is one that I will rarely look at but feel reluctant in letting go of it.  I also have the autograph book of my great grandmother, and other similar items.

I have the silverware of my great grandparents who ran a boarding house in Quanah, Texas.  There is enough for me to make shadow boxes and pass out various pieces along with a photo as background in the box for extended family.

I am hoping that one of my daughters or their children will show an interest in family memorabilia and I can pass items on.  I personally believe it is interesting and important to pass the history of a family to succeeding generations so that they can see the struggles and triumphs of their own family.  Right now I am not seeing an interest but sometimes this interest can spring up overnight.

I enjoyed world history in high school and history in general in college.  I think it is important to see where we came from as a people and how this has shaped our world today.

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