Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Near Death Experience

I really believe that after we die we have what is termed a life review.  A lot of insight has been gathered in the last 50 years as doctors and family members begin to hear almost identical stories of people who have barely survived life saving surgery or accidents.  Because of the medical advances we have made more more people are surviving and these people claim to have gone through a tunnel of light to have a review of their life on earth.  These people also claim that this experience is what they believe we will all go through when our time on earth is over.  

When my late husband had a basal brain aneurysm in October of 1994, he went through a very complex brain surgery at Zale Lipshuy Hospital in Dallas, Texas.  For about a month, he seemed "lost" to me in as he made heroic efforts to come back to his normal state of mind.  

About 2 months after we were back home, he asked me what my late dad's middle name was.  I said Templeton.  Then he told me he had met my dad in the tunnel of light.  He then went on to say that he had left his body and went up a tunnel of light and met with 11 other beings of light in a beautiful building.  I had him write about it and he did.  Part of what he wrote is what follows:

"After a time of discussion another being appeared.  It was larger than the others and was intense pure light.  It did not sit any time during the communication that followed but did radiate an extreme amount of what I would call unconditional love.  All that I can remember is that it said to remember that spiritual unconditional love is all there and that I should utilize this idea back on earth.  

After the light being left, all twelve of us proceeded down a corridor to a large hall where there were throngs of beings of all kinds.  I must say of all kinds because to my memory, they were different due to the energy makeup.  This was a lesson to me that each of us radiates to our exterior the energy from the inner consciousness that causes the physical appearance that we humans see.  I now feel that every human being is pure energy radiating to cause a physical appearance that we accept in our human level consciousness.

The proceedings in ths large hall reminded me of a large social gathering on earth.  I knew several of the beings there and was introduced to others by the eleven beings that were with me  I do not remember whom I met or conversed with at the social gathering.

The next thing that transpired at the gathering was very important but I do not remember the details and was told later that I would not remember back on earth until it was timely.  There was a showing on the huge wall of future events that could happen in the cosmos.  I understood that the events could happen and probably would happen unless the consciousness of those involved changed from what it is at the present time.

The things I saw and heard inspired me to desire to return to earth and participate in the positive changes that would happen.  Some humans, from the physical level, would judge the changes as negative but if they knew the overall outcome of what was to be, they would understand that wonderful and great changes are coming.  It was at this time that I was accompanied to the exit to earth and was uplifted by the support of the eleven beings from the initial meeting.

As I prepared for departure, the beings reminded me of my previous desire and commitment to my purpose on earth and that it would be advantageous for me to return and accomplish what I had agreed to do.  They would help when asked and when it was possible to do so.

The next thing I remember is waking up back on earth riding an Exercycle in the hospital rehab.  This wake up time was one month and a few days after my fall at my job.  I do not remember anything on earth during the period I spent out of the physical body although everyone on earth who was around me at the time thought I was conscious during that time.  The chief surgeon told my family that I would not remember my hospital experience and he was right including that I do not remember any feelings of discomfort during the ordeal.

Since arriving back on the earth plane I have had a very interesting life.  When I judge the happenings by my physical intellectual consciousness, it has not all been good.  The most emotionally painful thing occurred when I was terminated by the company with whom I was employed.  In retrospect, I feel that I needed to leave that time consuming job to accomplish my purpose as I had promised.  To write this story and share with others oi part of my purpose."

After Dean's return to normal waking consciousness he and I committed ourselves to God to be led to the perfect outworking of our lives.  We were both willing to be open to any changes in our lives that might lead both of us to our purpose.  He kept talking about the importance of love and often said over and over "love is all there is".  He also felt strongly that I was to return to Denton to lead a spiritual center but I discounted that premise as I still had a bookstore and was living in Missouri.  I was absolutely amazed to find myself several years later being asked to try out for the position of spiritual leader of Unity of Denton and saw that he had probably somehow foreseen this event.  

This is the last of the series about our experience with his fall, surgery and near death experience  I hope that you have been able to find something of value for your own life.  We each have a special mission and a purpose in this life and the ultimate purpose in our lives is to express unconditional love.

Quote below is from Eben Alexander who was a neurosurgeon who had a near death experience.

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