Friday, June 1, 2018

Health Challenges

As most of you know by now I have been going through old files and last night I ran across this article that I wrote in March 2005 in the Unity of Denton church newsletter.  My late husband, Dean Davis, had died in November of 2004 so the following account took place just 4 months later.

"Some of you have heard that just after Dean died, I discovered that I could not see through my left eye.  Kathryn Kalahan took me to a local eye doctor and he told me that I had developed a "mature" cataract in evidently a very short amount of time.  He confirmed that I was blind in my left eye.  He said that I could have cataract surgery to correct the condition but the risk would be a little greater because I had a hard layer that impeded the surgeon to see what lay underneath the cataract.

Kathryn has a very good friend who helped in the implementation and training of eye surgeons and through him I was led to an eye surgeon in Dallas.  Kathryn watched my surgery on a TV monitor in the waiting room on February 9th.  It was successful and I can now see through my left eye.

In Unity we teach and believe that everything happens to us for a reason and there are no accidents.  I believe that this time last year I began to know intuitively that Dean was dying but I did not want to "see" it happening.  So my good eye (right eye) took care of business.  My left eye bore the emotional brunt of letting Dean go.

When Dean died last November I was totally blind which signified to me that my emotional side of me expressed through my left weaker eye.  I had known and even said to myself that I was putting my feelings on a shelf but I paid a price for that.

We owe it to ourselves to take as good care of ourselves in every way possible which means taking care of body, mind and spirit.  I am in Field Licensing and they always emphasize to take care of ourselves in order to serve others more effectively.  This is good advice for all of us.

I think we are in touch with what we do to our physical bodies,  We know what we eat and how we exercise but are we in touch with our emotional self?  Do we recognize the stresses in our lives and work with our emotions in order to deal with the stress?

Or do we turn a blind eye as I did last year?  This event for me was a wake up call to work on taking are of myself physically and emotionally."

I wrote this 13 years ago but I have not changed my belief that it is important to take care of ourselves no matter what.  We are all laying the groundwork for how we fare as we age. 


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