Tuesday, June 12, 2018

My Mother and Her Influence on My Life

My mother is 98 as most of you know.  She was born on October 1st, 1919.  She will be 99 on this coming October 1st.  Today she came home from the hospital where she was being treated for a cold and heart fibrillations.  The staff could not believe that she is 98 which I hear a lot.

She and my dad found Unity in Austin, Texas where they were living in 1968.  I was so fortunate that they were searching for a spiritual way of living that made sense at the same time that I was.  I was making important decisions for my life at Texas Tech and they sent me a plane ticket to come to Austin.

I met with Catherine Ponder, their Unity minister, for an hour long session.  It was a session that changed my life.  Catherine was the author of several books and surprisingly to me she was very intuitive.  She seemed to intuit things about me that made sense and ended the counseling session abruptly by saying that I had an important phone call to answer and if I left I would receive it.  It was a phone call from Richard who was my fiance.  My mother was on the front porch waving me in as Richard was on the phone at the exact moment that I arrived.

My parents had also met a lady at the Unity church who could read palms.  They made an appointment for me to meet the lady and she immediately said that I was engaged but had no ring.  She was right.  I had been engaged for maybe 13 days and we had not picked out a ring.  Most surprising of all she said he was born on December 29th which was correct and that we would have 2 girls which proved to be true.

My parents stayed in Unity and I began reading Unity books and discovered a freedom from the bondage of my thoughts.  I no longer indulged in self pity and negative thinking.  I opened up to possibilities for my life.  Catherine Ponder was a pioneer in Unity in promoting the Vision Board and I began to create goals and visions for my life.

My mother transformed her life by reading the Daily Word and meditating.  She took care of herself.  I remember her early in life exercising to Jack LaLanne and ordering one of his rubber stretchy things that you attached to a chair or door to allow yourself to get into position for stretching exercises.  You would watch him on TV and follow what he demonstrated.

She also has always and to this day still follows every doctor's order and takes all medications and tests that are recommended.  She walks and still believes in the power of your thoughts for transformation.

Every time she goes to a doctor's visit, the staff are amazed that she is able to walk without a walker or cane, does not have hearing aids, and looks as well as she does.  She has perfect blood tests.

Most of you know that she was hospitalized yesterday with a cough and shortness of breath.  The hospital doctor asked about her heart doctor and I told her at first we had a doctor that been recommended to her by a friend of hers as "hot looking".  This female staff doctor had to know who this heart doctor was and we took time to look through our iphones and I finally remembered his name.  Sally Bigley was a witness to this.  We now have a doctor who is not as "hot" but is good with medicine. 

My mother has amazed me with her ability to dress beautifully and keep her living area decorated artistically and organized.  After my dad died, she moved into a retirement community when she was 70 years old and took dancing and art lessons.  I wish I had her beauty and organizing "gene".  I inherited heavily from my father which has its good points too but try as hard as I can, I cannot seem to have the artistic and organizational abilities that she has.  She had several boyfriends who one by one died. 

When she was 84 years old, she had a "private" dancing lesson with a man who began seriously dating her.  His name was Jeff and he was a Pearl Harbor survivor.  She said he owned a large red Cadillac and she visualized going out in this Cadillac and it turned out that Jeff was the owner of that car.  His birthday was 2 days before mine and we celebrated our birthdays together.  I really liked him.  He was very wealthy and he would take my sister, mother and I to nice places to eat.  He loved wine as much as me and we always had fun drinking our wine together.  I was sad when he died about 8 years later.  He always wanted to marry my mother but she turned him down

Right now she has short term memory problems which I think are due to her heart fibrillation and perhaps mini-strokes.  But she is extremely good at taking her meds. She lives in Lake Forest Good Sam's independent living apartment on the 4th floor overlooking a forest and a lake.  She likes being independent. 

I am fixing up a place for her in my home in case she needs to have more specialized care as she ages.  It will only be when she cannot manage as she has an independent spirit.

Below is a photo of her with my sister and I about 10 years ago.

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