Saturday, June 9, 2018

My Thoughts on Healing

Today at Unity Spiritual Center of Denton, five people who have been trained by Rev. Scott Sherman in what is called the Sacred Healing Meditation Circle are demonstrating their healing techniques during the Sunday service.  Basically, the person who needs healing lies on a massage table while a guided CD is playing.  The healing facilitator places hands on various key points on the body and allows the healing energies to flow through to the person on the table.

Because the church is focused today on healing, my thoughts have gone back in time to when I was about 13 years old living in Oklahoma City.  My mother was born in Oklahoma City and had about 8 siblings.  Even though I was born in Texas my dad who was in the FAA transferred to Oklahoma City to teach people how to become air traffic controllers.  We attended the First Baptist Church in Oklahoma City and one of my favorite aunts attended there also.

One day my mother told me that this Aunt had cancer and was dying in a hospital.  My uncle had told the family that he thought it was best to not tell my Aunt that she was dying.  When we visited her, she was wanting to know what was happening to her.  It was awkward to say we did not know.  She died a few weeks later.  I remember thinking to myself that she could have been healed if a group of people would shut their eyes and visualize a tunnel to my Aunt.  I strongly felt that if everyone focused healing energies through this tunnel, she could be healed.  I also had an odd thought that people in this time period were far behind in knowing how to heal.  These thoughts just came to me out of the blue but I still feel that they are true to this day. 

Unity was a fit for me in so many ways and one way was in the way Myrtle Fillmore, the cofounder of Unity, was healed.  The following is what Unity has on their website about Myrtle:

"Myrtle was afflicted with tuberculosis at a young age and spent many years believing she was incurably weak and sickly. While attending a lecture by metaphysician Dr. E.B. Weeks in 1886, Myrtle learned of her innate potential for divine healing through the use of affirmative prayer. She began regularly affirming, “I am a child of God, and therefore I do not inherit sickness.” Over time, she was healed of the tuberculosis that had threatened her life.
Myrtle was so excited about her healing discovery that she began working with others in need of healing. Eventually she and her husband Charles pioneered a spiritual healing support system that grew into the Silent Unity 24/7 prayer ministry still operating today (1-800-NOW-PRAY). "

Since the time I was 12 years old I have seen various modalities of healing that work.  I believe there are many ways of healing but the most effective are when the person who needs healing contacts the healing energy within.  Others can assist in this through prayer and sending positive healing energies.

I also believe that doctors are part of the healing process too.  More and more doctors are learning about the power of belief, prayer and meditation.  Experiments are being done in operating rooms with various kinds of music.  People are learning about various herbs that have healed indigenous people throughout the centuries.  I also believe that a positive expectancy is important as well as "letting go and letting God".  

At some point we will exit our body so when someone dies I think it is important not to judge their death as a failure on their part to be "spiritual".  It is very judgmental to think that they drew this event to themselves.  It simply may be that their lessons have been learned here on this planet and it is time to move on.  

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