Thursday, June 21, 2018

And the Rains Came

Every day this week I have been hoping that the rain would come.  A tropical disturbance was supposed to give us a good shot at rain this week and I waited to water my plants and lawn thinking that surely the rains would come.

Today was the best chance in the morning and early afternoon but the time passed by and no rain.  Then about 6:00 I noticed that the skies were dark in the north.  I looked at the weather app on my phone and the rain was moving down from the north.  There was hope!!  And the rains arrived in just the amount I needed without violent wind or lightning. 

The weathermen are having a difficult time making forecasts.  It is as if the weather has a mind of its own.  About 3 years ago the weathermen said there was no hope of rain for Denton even though other parts of the area were getting rain.  I was shocked to start hearing hail and this was not ordinary hail.  This hail was the size of baseballs and one broke through the window in my dining room.  This was followed by warnings of tornadoes but fortunately the rain wrapped huge tornado lifted off the freeway close to my house and moved east.

Sometimes our lives are like that.  We hope and hope for something to happen and give up.  It is at that exact moment that something we hope for happens.  I really believe in the adage of  "Let go and let God" which gives life a chance to work.  I think sometimes we hold on to hope in a fearful way but when we give up, life produces what we wanted for us.

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