Friday, June 15, 2018

My Oldest Daughter and Her Bedroom

When my oldest daughter, Sharon, was in her teens she spotted a bedroom suite that was advertised in the Reader's Digest Magazine.  The ad showed a canopy bed complete with dresser.   She really wanted that furniture set but we did not want to spend the money on new furniture.  I put it out of my mind.

But imagine my surprise when I went to a garage sale a few weeks later and there was the entire furniture set complete with the bedding pictured in the ad.  It was very inexpensive too which was a miracle.

I think we all have incidences like these.  We see something we want and desire but it is not a necessity so we put it out of mind.  Then unexpectedly "it appears" in our lives.  Without probably consciously realizing it, we have put a spiritual law to work.

What is this spiritual law?  We imprint our mind with what we desire and then let go.  The the universe/Spirit/God has a chance to make it a reality and it appears in our lives.

When we want something and try to figure out how we can bring it into our lives, then we get in the way of the perfect manifestation.  Our part is to ask, let go and receive.

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