Monday, July 2, 2018

Miracle in the Night

Here in Texas we are experiencing triple digit heat.  Not only is it very hot but the yards and plants are very dry and in need of water.

Yesterday I looked at the weather app on my phone around midnight (yes I was up late last night).  There was 0% chance of rain.  Earlier in the evening rain moved very close to Denton and then went right on north barely missing us.  I was wanting rain!

Lowell and I had been out late on a trip and as we came back into town about 2:00 AM there was a miracle.  Rain was softly but steadily falling in Denton.  It was like a small miracle as if it was a blessing. 

I again looked at my weather app and there was a very small band of weather moving from south to north and Denton was in the middle. The weather app changed to allow for a 20% chance of rain for an hour or so.   Best of all the small long band was extending to the south and moving north right through Denton giving the "miracle rain".

Sometime things in life are like that.  We look ahead at our lives and we have a "life app" within us that seems day to day predictable until we open to the possibility of good.  It is then that life can take a magical turn and the impossible happens.

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