Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Being Right at a Cost

It is normal for us to feel our pulses race when we feel that we are right and someone challenges us.  Yesterday I was driving in a place where a driver suddenly appeared and that same driver had the audacity to honk his horn.  I wanted to honk back but then I decided that would make the situation worse.  I felt right but I wanted to feel good and getting angry does not feel good.

All of us can't help but hear and see the huge political divide that is happening in our country.  Each side feels the other is "wrong".  Each side feels the other is "brain washed" by watching media that supports one side or the other.  Even the spiritual centers are getting into the middle of all of it.

I guess my getting older has helped me have perspective on the whole situation.  Yes, I have my own political opinion but I have also realized that getting extremely emotional, fearful and angry does not help at all.  I would be suffering at the expense of thinking I am right. Not only does the body get affected but friendships of many years are breaking up.  Is being "right" worth the price?

Also I have noticed that those who become extremely emotional are suffering physically and emotionally.  All of these emotions play havoc on the body.  Arthritis, heart problems and cancer begin to surface as a result of anger and tension.

I have decided that I want to treat my body with respect.  I can have my opinions but I also can have faith in a higher power/God/Spirit to work things out for the USA and world.  I am releasing any worry and anger and having faith.

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