Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Dealing with Fear

I have talked to many people over the years and the number one issue boils down to fear.  Here are the common fears

  • Not enough money
  • Being alone which translates to no one loves or appreciates me
  • Dying with our dream inside us
  • Dying in general (how will it happen)
  • Not having a satisfying and well paid job
  • Fear of dark
  • Fear of high places
  • Fear of insects and certain animals
In looking over all the Facebook posts I see so many posts of anger and fear about the politics in our country. 

What happens when fear takes over?  We become emotional and depressed.  Anger can well up.  Helplessness predominates.  

Fear takes a terrible toll on our bodies.  Our bodies reflect our emotions.  People with impatience have heart problems.  In general cancer reflects anger issues.  Our minds are meant to work in conjunction with our emotions to help create a healthy environment for us to thrive.  

I have always talked and written about the choices we have in regard to fear.  There are 2 clear choices.  We can have fear or faith.

We can choose to have faith that we will have enough money and attract loving relationships into our lives.  We can  have faith that we are doing what we love and are appreciated.  We can have faith that dying is not "the end" and that we will enter another phase of our soul's experience.  We can  have faith that our country is going to be fine.

Visualizing a wonderful future for ourselves, others and our country will work miracles in our emotional well being.  We can relax and let life unfold.  We can know that we are never alone.

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