Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Lowering Blood Pressure

I think that blood pressure most of the time reflects our state of mind.  If we are nervous, tense or terrified then blood pressure goes up.  I know when I went in for cataract surgery I was very tense.  My blood pressure sky rocketed which the nurse said was normal for patients about to have surgery.  When I am in ER to be checked out, it is high also.

My mother's blood pressure goes up when she is at the doctor's office.  When it is rechecked later in the visit it changes a lot to a more normal reading.

I have found that if I take meditative deep breaths I get an excellent blood pressure reading at the doctor's office.  My mother thinks it is "cheating" but it shows to me how powerful the meditative breath is.  The more we learn and actually use breathing techniques the more relaxed we are.

When I was having my first child, my husband and I went in for Lamaze training in order to give birth without anesthetics.  The whole experience was based on breathing techniques.

Now when I am out in traffic or find myself in a stressed situation I just stop and breathe.  It reminds me that it does no good whatsoever to get stressed out.  It feels so much better to be relaxed and enjoying life.

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